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Unix Training

Unix Training in Chennai

UNIX is a computer Operating System which is capable of handling activities from multiple users at the same time. Unix was originated around in 1969 at AT&T Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. This tutorial gives a very good understanding on Unix. A UNIX shell script is a human-readable text file containing a group of commands that could also be manually executed one-by-one at the UNIX operating system command prompt. They are often kept in a file (script) because they are too numerous to type in at the command prompt each time you want to perform a specific task, or because together they form a complex computer program. Unlike other high-level programming languages, such as C or C++, shell scripts do not need to be compiled into a binary format for execution. Because of this, programming syntax errors are not revealed until the script is executed.

Unix training in IUC Chennai , provides the students a hands on experience on the tool from the basics to advance real time project demonstration. Our practical and real time shell scripting project scenarios training helps students to work better on UNIX. Our UNIX training program helps every student to achieve their goal in programming career. As one of the top institutes in Chennai since 1997, We designed the course in easy and elegant for the students. The training provided here helps the students to get immediate placement after course completion.

Unix Training Course content

Introduction to the Unix Operating System

  • A brief history of Unix
  • The Unix kernel
  • The UNIX file system
  • Getting started navigating the file system
  • The file system structure
  • Directories and files
  • Pathnames
  • Navigating the file system

Basic Commands

  • Command line syntax
  • Basic file handling commands
  • Directory handling commands
  • Filename wildcard characters

Redirection and Pipes

  • Input redirection
  • Output redirection
  • Pipes

Introduction to The vi Editor

  • Overview of the vi editor
  • Basic functions
  • Switching to input mode
  • Other useful commands

Searching and Replacing Text

  • Replacing text
  • Using the vi editor
  • Using sed for search and replace
  • Searching for text with grep
  • Linking files

Recalling and Editing Commands

  • Overview
  • The bash shell
  • The korn shell

File Permissions and Access Control

  • Users and user groups
  • File access permissions
  • Changing file attributes
  • Switching users and user groups
  • Linking files


  • What is a process?
  • Monitoring processes
  • Killing processes
  • Background processes
  • Job Control
  • Grouping commands

More Basic Commands

  • The wc (word count) command
  • The find command
  • The cut command
  • The sort command
  • The finger command

The User Environment

  • Customising the .profile or .bash_profile
  • Customising the .kshrc or .bashrc